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Showing posts from November, 2012

Salt Remediation on Cotton Fields in Arizona

I've attached photos of cotton production in Arizona, on a site that had serious salt problems. These photos show the dramatic affects of the Supramolecular Humic Acids, when we treated with 2000 pounds per acre rate (Ag Grade TerraPro).  This photo shows the cotton production increase with the total treatment. W e were able to increase production by 70%! WOW! This field historically produced significantly less than adjacent fields, due primarily to salt damage and soil type (sand). After treatment with 2,000 pounds/acre of TerraPro the field demonstrated a 70% increase in production.  Increased production (number and size) seen in cotton bolls.  This cotton field contained an area, 25' x 50',  which was highly contaminated with salt. The area to the left of the tall stake treated with 2,000 pounds/acre TerraPro and Endomaxima. Photos and data provided by John Miller with Spec International. For more info please email John,...