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Showing posts from January, 2016

'TerraPro fixes Soil Compaction and Improves Pistachio Nut Crop

Here's a followup to a story we posted a year ago, where Soil Secrets proves its Bio-Identical Humic Acid product TerraPro  can fix a major problem of agriculture. Compacted Soil. However the Mechanism of Action that caused this change to the soils structure can only happen if the Humic Acid characteristics are Supramolecular. Soil Secrets owns the molecular description of those carbon rich molecules that provide this benefit.  Our Distributor John Miller just sent this letter to me today, concerning the Pistachio orchard in California that tested our TerraPro product.  They measured for changes in soil compaction using a penetrometer where huge changes took place in a short period of time.  See our  http://www.soilsecretsblog. com/2015/09/good-news-on- another-success-story-that. html   blog story from January 2015 where images of Don and the owner of the orchard are testing the compaction of the soil. Sent: 1/27/2016 9:00:27 A.M. Mountain Standa...

Carbon Sequestration Into Soil Will Build Healthy and Productive Top Soil

Soil Secrets ( ) has applied a technology of molecular biology onto the grounds of the Arboretum Tomé in Los Lunas New Mexico that has exemplified how fast soil can be fixed. The images I've attached show the poor condition of the clay soils at the arboretum in 1986 when we started. The soil was originally a saline, sodic, alkaline clay, called White Death or White Alkali by many, that causes the clay to collapse or disperse. Under this condition the clay will seal and not allow water or oxygen to penetrate and the water just sits on the surface until it evaporates. The soil will show cracks as it becomes dry as seen in the photo. Once we've added the high carbon supramolecular humic molecules, the Mechanism of Action of these high Dipole Moment molecules causes the soil to form aggregates and structure. The soil will also get darker in color as the carbon concentration increases. You can see the aggregates in the second image I've attached which was t...

Does the vineyard’s dirt really affect the taste of what’s in your glass?

https://www.washingtonpost. com/lifestyle/food/does-the- vineyards-dirt-really-affect- the-taste-of-whats-in-your- glass/2016/01/15/c451aa5a- ba6b-11e5-829c-26ffb874a18d_ story.html?postshare= 9371453385995874&tid=ss_fb- bottom  : ( Click Link for Article ) This article is a good start to explaining a bigger problem, which agriculture growing food containing empty calories. There have been many studies over the years showing that the food we eat today contains dramatically lower levels of mineral and vitamin nutrition, when compared to what we were eating in the early to mid 1900s. While in college almost 40 years ago I recall while taking a class in Integrated Nutrition (which is bio chemistry) reading a study that showed the nu trient levels of an orange at that time contained 1/5 the vitamin C, Calcium and other nutrient values that an orange in the 1950s  contained. Yes, you would need to eat 5 oranges in 1978 to match a single orange my grandparents would eat...

Undeniable Results!

TerraPro by Soil Secrets can fix saline sodic soil Across the globe irrigated farms and urban soils are becoming saline, a problem caused by the irrigation water and fertilizer.  This site shown here is located in Utah, the farmer a client of Soil Secrets in Logan Utah called Circle Irrigation.  The site soils are naturally salty, to the extreme condition that you can see the salt on the surface.  See the first image.  The second image shows the crop of wheat struggling to grow on the site.  The third image shows a Proof of Concept study we are doing at the New Mexico Consortium Labs with the technical assistance of Los Alamos National Laboratory staff. For this test we selected some hyper saline soil from a farm in Vegita New Mexico, so salty that even the most salt tolerant weeds will not grow. We filled numerous trays with the salty soil and treated the surface of the soil with various increments of TerraPro , looking for the sweet spot. The photo shows 4 t...

Winter Yard Chores, Planting Trees and Fixing Your Soil

Winter is an excellent time to plant your new shade and fruit trees, as long as the ground is not covered with ice, snow or frozen solid.  That's most of the time for clients living in Albuquerque and Valencia County's.    It's very important to also  make sure the tree was grown locally, as only then will it be best adapted to the seasonally changes and  winter cold.  Since Trees That Please is the only retail nursery in the Albuquerque market that grows its own trees, so we are your best option.  Also, during the dormant winter months its easy to transport a tree, as you don't need to worry about protecting the plant as you buzz down the freeway.  For making your soil the best soil possible, use the exclusive product of Soil Secrets called TerraPro.  This product is rich in the right stuff that will make your soil the best soil, as its full of Nature's miracle substance called Supramolecular humic chemistry.  There's nothing ...

New Success Story

Here's a great story about the planting of the highly sensitive Palo Verde submitted by one of our distributors.. I planted this tree in May of 2013 and as you can see the tree went into severe shock, dying back from the ends of all of the branches.  The tree was boxed and did not have a very good root system, probably from being recently transplanted into a 24 inch box from a 15 gallon bucket by the local nursery to improve their profit. Well the root ball fell apart from no structure and I thought I was going to have to replace it.   At planting I had included; EndoMaxima mycorrhiza , TerraPro and Protein Crumblies into the planting protocol.   With the planting problem I extended the treatment protocol to include an application of EA, EN, and B1 every week for 4 weeks.   Well the tree survived very well and you can see the results of the tree in December 2015.  A little wind damage from a very violent summer storm but the tree has mo...

World AG Expo come see us

Soil Secrets will be exhibiting at the largest Agriculture Expo in the World Click on image to go to conference website:

Come see us

Soil Secrets will be exhibiting @ the Urban Tree Care Conference February 4th & 5th,2016 Click on image to visit conference website :
John Kemp, owner of a competing company of ours, posted a Facebook report defending foliar feeding with some elements as proof that the tool worked in solving a problem. The John Kemp post on Facebook said this: Please check out this outstanding explanation of the photosynthetic process, and the function of carotenoids and other compounds. Clearly describes the functions of manganese, iron, and copper, particularly for needed oxidation and reduction reactions. We find these trace minerals to be consistently inadequate in many of the crops we work with, and get a very strong crop response when they are address with foliar applications. He's basically saying that by foliar fertilizing a crop with manganese, iron and copper elements the plant needs for conducting photosynthesis, he's provided a solution. Here's my reply to this post: The weak link of a plant uptaking (getting out of the soil) manganese, iron and copper plus all the other essential elements of...