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Winter Yard Chores, Planting Trees and Fixing Your Soil

Winter is an excellent time to plant your new shade and fruit trees, as long as the ground is not covered with ice, snow or frozen solid.  That's most of the time for clients living in Albuquerque and Valencia County's.    It's very important to also make sure the tree was grown locally, as only then will it be best adapted to the seasonally changes and  winter cold.  Since Trees That Please is the only retail nursery in the Albuquerque market that grows its own trees, so we are your best option.  Also, during the dormant winter months its easy to transport a tree, as you don't need to worry about protecting the plant as you buzz down the freeway. 
For making your soil the best soil possible, use the exclusive product of Soil Secrets called TerraPro.  This product is rich in the right stuff that will make your soil the best soil, as its full of Nature's miracle substance called Supramolecular humic chemistry.  There's nothing else you can buy that has this substance as only Soil Secrets owns the molecular information as to what these molecules are,  how they work, and how to manufacture them.  To be clear, you cannot do the same thing by just adding compost, peat moss or other soil additives as they don't contain this molecular characteristics.   Add TerraPro now so the winter freezing and thawing can help it work deep into your soil.  It's great for existing or new lawns and trees love this stuff. 
Fighting pesky rodents who are eating the roots of your shrubs and trees, called Gophers.  Try blood meal by dusting the soil around the plant until the surface looks black and dusty.   Then water it in.   How does it work?  Simple, to Gophers or rabbits the smell of blood makes them think there's a predator around, so they avoid that spot.   A side benefit is that Blood meal is a rich source of soluble nitrogen, which plants can use.  But because of that characteristics its important to not use too much or too often as you can kill plants with excess nitrogen fertilizers even from a natural organic source like blood.    Trees That Please  has blood meal available in handy size bags. 
Michael Martin Meléndrez
Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC

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