https://www.washingtonpost. com/lifestyle/food/does-the- vineyards-dirt-really-affect- the-taste-of-whats-in-your- glass/2016/01/15/c451aa5a- ba6b-11e5-829c-26ffb874a18d_ story.html?postshare= 9371453385995874&tid=ss_fb- bottom : (Click Link for Article)
This article is a good start to explaining a bigger problem, which agriculture growing food containing empty calories. There have been many studies over the years showing that the food we eat today contains dramatically lower levels of mineral and vitamin nutrition, when compared to what we were eating in the early to mid 1900s. While in college almost 40 years ago I recall while taking a class in Integrated Nutrition (which is bio chemistry) reading a study that showed the nutrient levels of an orange at that time contained 1/5 the vitamin C, Calcium and other nutrient values that an orange in the 1950s contained. Yes, you would need to eat 5 oranges in 1978 to match a single orange my grandparents would eat, so it begs the question of what the nutrient levels are today. Soils of agriculture are certainly far worse in 2016 than they were in 1978! And we wonder why we are getting fat, as we eat foods of empty calories trying to get enough vitamin and mineral value from lousy food!
So what's the difference? Are soils lower in minerals or is something inhibiting the nutrient uptake of the indigenous minerals of our farm soil. Maybe it's both, but my gut feeling is that with the use of high yield acidified fertilizers, soil acidifiers, increasing salinity, herbicides like RoundUp, and our plows roughing up the soil ecology, the microbiology and the Humic chemistry that Nature uses to extract these minerals from the soil are missing, or at a very low functional level. Elements of plant and human nutrition, such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, selenium, etc., require a solutioning and solubilizing process to liberate them in order for a plant to take them up. That's done primarily by bacteria, mycorrhizal fungus, and the supramolecular chemistry of the humic molecules (incorrectly called humic acids). Soil Secrets LLC, is a soil ecology company that provides in our BioPack Soil Probiotic the microbes that have that mode of action to solubilize phosphorus, silica, sulfur, zinc, copper and iron from soil. We also formulate TerraPro, a product with the humic molecules making them bio-identical with supramolecular aromatic characteristics. When these inputs are put back into the equation, the nutrient density of the food will increase, the yield of the crop will increase, the sugar concentration in the plant juices measured as Brix increases, the health of the plant increases and the health of the animal eating that plant will improve. Our goal as a company is to fix the soil of agriculture, grow more nutritious food, sequester atmospheric carbon back into the soil, and make our environment a cleaner better place for everyone concerned.
I've attached a report form a wine grower in Baja Mexico who has applied our TerraPro technology to his vines and measured some of these changes. The details of this farm report are seen in the chart as original from the engineer running the operation, however I needed to interpolate and extrapolate some information in the text to make the information more meaningful for us.
From the Desk of Michael M. Melendrez, Director of Soil Secrets LLC