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Showing posts from September, 2015

Another Success Story

The Soil Secrets company is currently involved in new product development with the company that invented the first synthetic oil called Amsoil and their Natural Fertilizer division called Aggrand.  The following corn production project used by Aggrand and Soil Secrets.   The photo was taken by Bob Geyer, one of our Soil Secrets associates in California.  Bob also represents Aggrand in California for agriculture.  This field was treated the first year using just the Aggrand protocol and the corn silage yield increased  from 24 tons per acre on the sandy areas of the farm and 26 tons per acre on the better soils, jumping to 38 tons per acre.  At the end of the first year the corn stood at 15' 1" while the variety used called Bagglietto is suppose to only grow to 12 1/2 feet.        The second year the field was  treated with TerraPro and the same corn variety was planted using the same Aggrand protocol as the first...

Here's an article from Western Farm Press on Pistachio's

Here is the article John Miller sent me confirming information on Pistachio blanks occurring at  20 to 30%  state wide in California. tree-nuts/rising-some-tough- challenges-california- pistachio-growers-wrap- successful-season     As a reminder of our client in California that we just posted a blog story on his acreage producing an additional 600 pounds of nuts above and beyond his remaining acreage not treated with our protocol.  His trees treated with our TerraPro protocol  averaged less then 5%,  actually 3 - 4.8%   Michael Martin MelĂ©ndrez Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC

Growing Pecan Orchards in Southeastern Arizona

Here's good news from our West Coast Distributor John Miller of Spec International.  He sent me this report with photos yesterday, September 14, 2015.  The farm is located near the New Mexico Arizona State line South of Interstate 10 in the Chihuahuan Desert.  The trees are irrigated with above ground spray heads with water coming from deep irrigation wells.  Soils are typical Southwestern desert dirt with high pH, high salinity and poor structure after its been disturbed.  As a result crops including  tree crops often show signs of salt burn, iron uptake problems (chlorosis) and zinc uptake  problems on pecan trees.  This particular grower is putting in over a thousand acres of new trees each year with some of the acreage treated with our  TerraPro  and  Protein Crumblies  products.  I'm glad he's left some acreage untreated as it gives us the opportunity to compare.  They are also being supplemented nutrition...

crop yield report has come in, reflecting improved soil health on California Pistachio field

Good News on another success story that just came in today.  If you remember our blog story from last January 2015, Don DeBoer had performed some soil compaction testing with his penetrometer on Pistachio orchard land owned by Charlie Gragnani. The results of the testing discovered that the soil compaction had dropped a bunch, from an average of 300 psi coming down to an average of 75 psi.  This is significant because there's a direct cause and effect where water and oxygen can now penetrate the soil when its psi has been reduced.  The reason,  the drop in psi is demonstrating an increase in soil porosity, which also causes an increase in air space in the soil.  This is the single most important thing that can happen to the soil as its health improves! So what's the good news?  The crop has been harvested and evaluated and the grower was able to collect an a...
What Tools In The Tool Box Do We Have To Build a Healthy Top Soil? I was returning from Las Cruces recently and along Interstate 25 I saw huge piles of compost being deposited by the landscape contractor, which reminded me to write this article. With each year we learn something new and improve upon the old techniques and products we've offered.  In some ways you may find this frustrating because it may require us to stop making some products as they grow obsolete by newer ideas and better products that we can support our claims with good science.  Soil Secrets taps into the National Labs asking for "Deliverables" that will help support our ongoing R & D and help us provide products with the best efficacy possible.   For example, in the arena of Humic Acids, a substance sold by many companies, but previously without the molecular description to substantiate what the potential Mechanisms of Action could be based on the geometry of the molecules, the thermal energy ...