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Showing posts from October, 2016

Why We Need Phosphorus!!

Here's a lesson on why we need phosphorus available to our plants.     Phosphorus is easily tied up in the soil chemistry by a concretion effect when acids come into contact with alkaline substances in the soil.  For example, Phosphorus is often sold in the agriculture business or the retail nursery trade as an acidified product where the phosphorus rock called Apatite is ground up into a powder and then  treated with Phosphoric acid to make a product called Triple Super Phosphate or a water soluble phosphorus fertilizer.   However the problem is that once this acidified phosphorus hits the soils chemistry the buffering capacity of the soil rapidly turns it into a insoluble salt.    Here's our dilemma.   Plants and all life need Phosphorus as its a main ingredient for making energy.  The energy will be in the form of a high energy molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate )  which is made in the mitoch...