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Showing posts from January, 2015

Soil Health And Changing Soil Compaction

Soil Secrets is a Soil Ecology company.  You cannot grow a healthy landscape or a healthy crop without the soil's ecology also being healthy and soil compaction  is a major obstacle to healthy soil.  The following story exemplifies how Soil Secrets has the technology to fix soil compaction problems using the biochemistry of Nature, the Humic molecules.    Our competitors offer Humic Acids in some form or another, with many claiming to be unique formulations.  However if you don't know the molecular description of the molecules involved, it's impossible to modify them in a beneficial way.  It’s important to understand that outside of Soil Secrets, Humic Acids have never been isolated (purified) for the objective of identifying each molecular fraction and describing the molecules, or proving what the chemical properties are of these molecules.    The methods used by commercial or university soil labs for Humic Acid analysis are crude non-standardized base extractio

EndoMaxima® Preferred By Contractors!

EndoMaxima® is preferred by contractors due to its higher spore count and competitive pricing. EndoMaxima® is a  Mycorrhizal concentrate  designed for agriculture, landscape construction, sports-field construction, mine reclamation or erosion control projects. EndoMaxima is a concentrate of spores representing a generalist Glomus species that is global and which works with plants that can associate with an Endo (VAM) type mycorrhizae. A contractor came in to Trees That Please Nursery to purchase endomycorrhizae that had been required by the architect for a landscaping project. When presented with the pricing for our EndoMaxima product he stated that it seemed expensive compared to his regular source.  Victor, our Soil Secrets Operation's Manager, overheard the conversation and suggested that was because of EndoMaxima’s higher spore count per pound of product. Victor is usually working behind the scene mixing, packaging, and labeling. The contractor asked for details.