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Showing posts from March, 2015

Transforming Deserts Into Farmland

The ambitious   Sahara Forest Project   is developing cutting-edge food, water and energy technologies in the deserts of Qatar and Jordan in an attempt turn sand dunes into farms. The plan: to combine solar thermal technologies with saltwater evaporation techniques, freshwater condensation, and efficient production of food and biomass without displacing existing agriculture or natural vegetation. As desertification   becomes an increasingly vexing problem around the world, this group of technologists is aiming for revegetation...... If the Sahara Forest Project were to use the molecular biology products of  Soil Secrets the desert soils of these sites would need far less water and would grow more  nutrient dense food than what conventional fertilizers could produce under the same conditions.  Soil Secrets is Bio-Mimicry!  Follow this link to read more about the Sahara Forest Project: Click here: Transforming Deserts Into Farmland | XPRIZE Michael Martin MelĂ©ndrez

What are Real Humic Acids? sub-title: What are Supramolecular Humic Molecules?

They aren’t just dead decaying organic stuff.   Humic molecules of soil, often called Humic Acids, are self-assembling structures resulting in bigger structures.  Self-assembly is all about individual parts coming together on their own to build precise things.  The final shape of the bigger structure is called a Supramolecular substance which Nature has programmed to be completely repeatable.  The material science of Supramolecular chemistry is based upon a response to Thermal Energy that’s part of the molecular characteristic of each molecule involved.  The molecules themselves are a ‘Anabolic’ (to build) product of soil chemistry, which is the opposite of composting and soil organic matter which are products of a  ‘Catabolic’ (breaking down) process.  When dealing with the world of Soil Ecology and the Mechanism of Action provided to soils and the living systems of soil by the Supramolecular Humic Molecules, the series of words Supramolecular Self-Assembly sounds very compl