While Humic Acids may have a personality, what's really important is whether or not they work and how much of this active ingredient is actually in a given product. To determine this, Soil Secrets LLC, initiated a study to characterize the Humic Acid molecule found in our products.
What do we mean by asking if a molecular substances has Character? The characterization process measures the geometry and the functionality of the targeted molecule, in this case Humic Acid.
So what does this mean to our clients or to the staff at Soil Secrets? For us, it provides the evidence we need in order to talk intelligently and accurately about what the active ingredient is in our product. For the client, its proof that the active ingredient is indeed present in the product and that it does function in the way we claim it should. The "Characterization of the Functionality of the Humic Acids" found in our products was performed in collaboration with Femto Chemists and a contract for analytics performed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. The two National Labs have the unique ability to purify a molecular chemical from a whole sample without damaging the target molecule, necessary before you can perform the true chemical analysis. No other commercial entity worldwide can produce this kind of evidence or efficacious study on their product! The reason they can't is because the type of analysis technique used by commercial and university soil labs is not standardized, lacks the ability to purify without damaging the molecule, and most lack the equipment for analysis or the library data base to interpret the results. If you would like to read more on this problem of analysis, contact us and request the paper: Supramolecular Advances in Agronomy 2002.
Here's where we cannot be matched: While many companies claim to sell Humic Acids with new and improved formulations or even just raw Humate, they cannot prove that their product contains any given amount of that active ingredient. The science and methodology to purify, from the sample, the active ingredient of Humic, Fulvic or Humin is not available to any labs other than Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. In typical labs, before these active ingredients are analyzed, they must separate them from the whole sample without harming them. Commercial or university soil labs cannot do that! The standard method of separating the Humic Acid from the soil or soil amendment sample does not work because it's a caustic chemical reaction that destroys any active ingredient that may have been in the sample. In addition, there's no standardized method used by all the university or commercial labs for doing the analysis of Humic Acid, therefore the methods used are estimates only. How can our competitors claim that they have made a new and improved form of Humic Acid, if they cannot even measure what they've made? We however, have full detail of all the functional characteristics of the Humic Acid molecule found in our product, including a full profile of the Functional Groups attached to the Humic acid fraction of our TerraPro and Earth Ambrosia liquid.
Let's be clear - We hang our hat on our Humic Acid products, because there is research to support them. This research will ultimately show how Humic Acids play an active role in plant nutrition and soil building. This is called the Bio-Geo-Chemical process of plant nutrient uptake and Pedogenesis.
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Carolina Organic Lawns
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