Our Founder and Owner of both Trees That Please and Soil Secrets Michael Melendrez is in big demand as a soil health teacher. He covers how the dynamics of soil really works, covering everything you need to know to understand how plants get water and nutrition out of the soil, why you should not use soil acidifiers on alkaline soil, and how we can use a Pre-Biotic combined with a Pro-Biotic approach to building healthy soil. Last week he was in Alamogordo New Mexico talking to Master Gardeners and a large crowd of Southern New Mexicans. Next week he will be talking in Yuma Arizona and in the Imperial Valley of California, teaching professional farm agronomists how we can fix farm soil using biomimicry doing the same Pre-Biotic Pro-Biotic process. Some of the largest independent ag fertilizer company's in North America are now using Michael's Soil Secrets products to accomplish the job of fixing the natural process of soil.
The Labile Carbon is also known as the 'Rapid Cycling Carbon' and its composed of all the Soil Organic Matter that is dead and actively decomposing. It's benefit to the soil is that it provides a source for minerals that are being recycled as potential plant nutrients, so in a sense it's Nature's fertilizer. Active Carbon also known as Reactive Carbon is more complex than the Labile Carbon in that its composed of all the dead and actively decomposing organic matter plus all the living soil microbial community that will eventually die and begin decomposing. For example, the hyphae of mycorrhizae only live about 5 to 7 days before they die and start to decompose, while the fungus organism itself may live far longer. Recalcitrant Carbons are the Humic substances made up of complex organic chemistry, some of which is inert and some of which is very reactive and are powerful biologics, such as the Humic Acids. Recalcitran...