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Soil Secrets LLC is on the go. In the world of agriculture, or urban horticulture a major hurdle is how to make or keep the root system of the crop or the landscape plant material healthy. While I've made my living as a nursery owner, tree grower and the founder/operator of a soil ecology company, my formal academic training is from the world of human health and one thing we can say for sure about us humans is that oxygen and water are an essential part of our survival. Without either we die! Well the same thing can be said about the roots of our crops, or our lawn and trees in our yard as everything that's good that must take place in that soil keeping the plant alive and roots healthy is contingent upon water being able to penetrate the soil along with enough oxygen. If there's one thing I can hang my hat on while giving the 30 second elevator speech about what does Soil Secrets do, its that we increase the porosity of soil rapidly therefore allowing water and oxygen to penetrate. All the chemical reactions needed in the soil, the solutioning of minerals into the soil water matrix, the building of the soil carbon matrix, the uptake of water and minerals into the plant, all require that enough water and oxygen get deep into the soils sub structure. Roots of trees only grow where there's enough oxygen and porosity in the soil structure to allow for root growth so when we see your favorite lawn shade tree growing roots on the surface, that exemplifies the problem that you have poor soil health and not enough structure and porosity of soil. Soil Secrets is used by the largest pecan growers in the world, where nutrient uptake is a constant problem. When our molecular biology products are used its easy to measure the change that takes place in the soil structure, the oxygen content in the soil, the water uptake into the plant, the greater chlorophyll content to the foliage and a better overall productive crop. For example here are three moisture penetration charts provided to us by FICO (Farmers Investment Company) from their huge SE Arizona pecan orchards. Block 57 was not treated by our product because it was felt it had the best soil on the farm and was absorbing irrigation water without inhibition. Block 9 was a problem site, with desert clay soil and poor structure that would not allow rain or irrigation to penetrate. After one treatment last summer Block 9 passed Block 57 in water penetration and porosity and now holds moisture for many months making for a better pecan orchard. In December of 2016 the site had a 1.7 inch rainfall event and on block 57 the water only penetrated 5 inches, while on block 9 it penetrated 17 and eventually 19 inches by March. The third chart is showing that block 9 is still retaining the moisture in the desert soil into March. This is Proof of Concept that the highly electrified carbon matrix molecules of TerraPro do work in fixing the main problem of soil health! The molecular characters of TerraPro are 100% Bio-Identical and are a unique product globally of Soil Secrets, a Los Lunas New Mexico company. I'm the founder of the company, the person that discovered who and what the molecular descriptions are of this carbon matrix is, and the person that figured out how to create them using a biomimetic process.

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