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Conserving Water while also Fixing Soil

This story is about TerraPro a soil additive discovered and made by my company Soil Secrets LLC.     The active ingredient of TerraPro is a biomimetic substance called a Carbon Matrix of molecules that are supramolecular in behavior.  At the National Nuclear Labs in New Mexico we have performed a full molecular characterization study of this soil molecular substance which now gives us the information we need to replicate it for the objective of fortifying soil.   Using a Commercial Proprietary Information Contract with the National Nuclear Labs we have information that no other entity on earth has, which is the description of these molecules, the geometry of the structure and chemical formulas of the molecules and exactly who the Functional Groups are that are attached to the molecules that make them work, called the Mechanism of Action.   In this story, 450 pounds was top dressed onto the arid soil of an organic cotton farm in Trans Pecos Texas (Chihuahuan Desert) and a control field without TerraPro was compared to the treated field.  Both fields are side by side and you can see the same tanks in the background to confirm this.  The field that appears dormant did not grow as tall or as productive as the field that is still green, but both fields had the water shut off at the same time in late summer.  The non treated field terminated from drought while the treated field did not!

The "Rest of the Story" is that the water management story on this site is just beginning.      TerraPro alone is helping to hold water in the soil on this site, however if this farmer continued treating his field with the protocol of Soil Secrets biomimetic molecular biology we would also see a process of carbon sequestration taking place in the soil over time.   This will provide an added water management advantage to the farmer as it's known and accepted by people of knowledge in soil science that one pound of carbon in the soil can provide the benefit of holding an additional 10 pounds of water.  If we could increase the concentration of carbon in the soil by a tiny 1%, we could increase the water holding potential of one acre of land one foot deep by about 400,000 pounds of water.   

Please pass this story on to others if you like,

Michael Melendrez
Director, Soil Secrets LLC
1850 E. Main St. Suite A2
Los Lunas, NM 87031

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